Chief Seconds LLC

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Seconds Out!

This week, Chief Seconds officially launched and I couldn’t be more excited to get to work for our clients. Check out the video below to hear about where we’re coming from, how we’re different, and what we believe in.

What is a Chief Second?

Chief Second, noun

\ chēf se-kənd \

  1. In sword and pistol dueling one’s second, often also armed, had the responsibility of ensuring the duel was conducted in fair and gentlemanly manner. Think Hamilton and Burr.

  2. In boxing, a second is the fighter’s coach and corner person. This person’s responsibility is to lead their fighter to victory, guide them through adversity, and always keep their fighter’s welfare the top priority.

    One of the boxer’s seconds is designated ‘Chief Second’ and it is this person’s role to lead the support team to the overall benefit of the fighter and the sport.

  3. In professional services marketing, your Chief Second is your secret weapon. A strategist, problem solver, coach, and growth catalyst whose sole goal is to get you to success, however you define it.